Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Simply doltish

Read somebody's blog entry complaining that she was being "harassed" repetitively by a guy in friendster. I reckon that he's in fact representative of some of the doltish people in the male community. There is a function called 'Block' in the friendster messaging system for god's sake, and then again, some people just simply are nincompoops, as I find they are really a disgrace to us(yeah, a collective noun of victimised male community) to go and try their luck with girls in the online domain. Get on with your life dude! But seriously if you do, please go and open your eyes widely and for god's sake choose those pretty ones and not those with cannot-make-it face which are very capable of making you throw up and have a deluded thought that they are pretty with their hopeless incurable superiority complex. And for God's sake, go fuck with the mirror first before even thinking that you even have the slightest chance of being good-looking. Yeah, that's a term by the name of internal beauty, if you don't have it, regardless of even have the prettiest face in the world, I would call you ugly. Seriously, go fuck with the mirror, or maybe go out and look at the reflection of yourself in the undrained gutter outside your house. Yeah, it may be very likely look like you, and even smell like you too, that is, ugly and stinky. God damn it!


Phyllis said...

what's this post supposed to mean?

gambattester said...

Oh, it was not intended to anybody after all, it was just a general trend that seems to be looming lately, so I just made some comments about it, that's all. After all, this is my territory, so I have full control over whatever I feel like ranting about, haven't I? =)