Sunday, December 10, 2006

Love fades,life still goes on

My ex-high school mate,SS just broke up with her bf again. Yes again, and this time it seemed to be so serious that she's always breaking down. That ex-bf of hers totally shut her out of his life, didn't seem to be wanting to be even a friend to her. Yesterday she was confiding in me that he seemed to have blocked her or even deleted her msn based on what she had observed since that guy always used to go online every night. So that was why she suspected so and asking me whether I knew the logic behind his action. She told me that he has been ignoring her calls even if she had tried calling him from noon to dusk. The way she unfolded the story, made me feeling sad for her predicament too, shedding tears after every sentence she uttered out about her sorrows. She was particularly confused why would he wanna block her in msn. I guess he should be feeling embarassed about what to talk about as friends, and perhaps he just wanted to stay out of her life and moved on to a new relationship which he is now having. Love fades, life still goes on, SS. I do hope that she will quickly move on to her life since there are other aspects that we should cherish such as family and close friends who are always by our side. SS, there are other better trees in the forest, do not give up just because of one rotten tree,get me? I think he was also not a good bf, always playing computer games, refusing to have meals with her family occasions sometimes(birthday dinners etc), seemed to be neglecting her at times.

On hindsight, thinking of my own predicament, I still feel like a fish out of water, feeling like a wooden log, being drifted away to a non-specific direction on the sea by strong currents.Feeling like I'm in Pacific Ocean, with no land within my sight. Or perhaps I'm picturing myself in the Sahara Desert, being dehydrated, looking for an oasis. Every day, I'm rumbling about having unsolved problems with her, but on the whole, no concrete decision has been made to rectify the current situation. I am just fearful of marriage, I just don't want to get married early, but why am I so fearful of getting married?Is it because of the marriage itself, or perhaps I just want to remain in the status quo? Why is it that change is something that I fear of now? Is it because that she is really not somebody that I wanna get married to? This question is hitting my mind every now and then, it's something that I am seriously thinking for a solution. Why am I looking for a solution now?I just don't want to waste my gf's time if I am really not into her. A girl's youth is limited especially when one plans to set up a family with a few kids to raise.


Anonymous said...

recently my bf seems to hint tat he wants to get a proposal ring for me while shopping. hmm..


gambattester said...

If you really think he is the one for you, that would be a splendid piece of things to hear. Else, do not drag any longer to avoid wasting each other's time like my case probably.

Anonymous said...

but are u still with ur gf?


gambattester said...

Yes,I am still with her, still being drifted away by the strong current....