Thursday, December 15, 2005

Dare to be Simple

Are you game enough to be simple? And is complacency always associated to negativism and backwardness?Peer pressure, as it always is, turns out to be a key factor to a self-induced drive to change or improve ourselves so that the standard of life could be heightened. Well, that could prove to be beneficial since we all yearn to have a life of comfort and luxury if possible. But in the first place, have we ever considered that we are ready to bring ourselves out of comfort zone? Yes, I'm talking about comfort zone again and again. But in fact it's rather pervasive in the society that more often than not we feel very secure in the circle of comfort zone and anything that is trying to displace us off the zone seems to be considered a threat rather than a challenge. Being complacent can be good or bad, by all means should be decided by that particular person himself, whether he feels that he doesn't need all those changes and wants to continue with the things he normally does. To be frank, I'm more on the side where complacency governs more. In other words, I am often not audacious enough to take risk. Whether it is a calculated risk or not, for the time being, I cannot indulge myself in any other form of investment. Yeah, haha, it's about investment again as well.

I actually have a trauma now. That friend of mine called me again but I didn't accept his call. Actually, strictly speaking, he's a just an acquaintance with whom I worked as a part-times as extras in a MTV shooting a year ago. I went to his Christmas party last year, and then that's about it. It was until he told me that he joined an investment company, then only I felt that something fishy will be unleashed sooner or later. He didn't have the proper work ethics, and the fact that I've been rejecting his calls should make him realize that his way of doing things so far is not right. He can't be bugging me every week. It's really outrageous. But on a lighter note, I didn't want to tell him straight in the face. So I started not to accept his calls. After all, before all these, I'd already let him know clearly my stand and I told him nicely that I didn't want any meet-up if it's regarding the investment schemes that his company is selling.

A father. A baby boy.A baby pram.A pair of Adidas shoes. A chuckle. There goes a long journey, for which the innocence dissipates into thin air as one grows up. Everything being around you has its cause and consequence so that it ended up to be there for you to see. Look with your heart, not only with your eyes. Observe and infer. Sometimes you just have to judge the book by its cover so as to make life not so complicated. The associated superficiality might be the way of life if one decides to live life ordinarily. It is not wrong to be different. Neither it is to choose the simple way out.

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