Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Life goes on, even if you are faced with the worst setback

It's been really a difficult period for me, as I've been reminding myself to stay calm and hope for a better tomorrow. This melancholic feeling is growing within my mind again. I really think that I'm good for nothing, I really feel that my degree is useless, nobody wants to employ me, so what will become of me? I don't know. Yes, that's always my answer to things that seem complicated to me. It's a flight response. My entire mind is controlling my body not to fight subsconsciously. I think it's better for me to die and relieve myself of all these sorrows. Seriously, you would be thinking that I don't deserve any compassion since the things I've said here are utterly stupid, as you may be thinking that comparing to those people living on the streets and under the bridges, I am far much better than them and should learn to be complacent and live on and fight till the end. Unemployment sucks. Really. Not that you have never experienced that before, it's just that you have to overcome the misperception of others hailing you as somebody who is a useless piece of crap. It's really something ugly to conceive about. Your friends may always support you morally or sometimes even financially if you have earned their trusts on you previously, however things may become ugly if egoism and self-esteem get in your way of thinking. What I need to find is my self-esteem. I wanna find it back, though I may not have a very high self-esteem last time, but I guess it's going down the gutters if I am unable to get a job soon, whether permanent or temporary position. Now I am in position of neither here nor there. Like getting stucked and lost at a cross junction, not knowing which direction to go. Undoubtedly, I don't have friends who know me inside out. Even my girlfriend thinks that it's gonna be alright and things will be better soon and then I would feel better eventually. Yeah, perhaps she's somebody who's been my supportive and closest friend of all. Beyond that, I don't think that anyone else could understand me more, not even my family members. But in the first place, you can't expect somebody else to know what you are thinking deep down inside, for the reason that it's gonna be extremely intimidating that every move you make would be anticipated by that person. After all, I am just an ordinary and unremarkable person only, it's pointless for others to predict what I am going to do next since it would be very likely to be something justifiably predictable.

What I am trying to achieve in this blog entry is to keep reminding myself to think positively, to think that I am living my life for myself, not for other people, so comparison with peers and friends would deem to be rather useless. The important thing for me is to stay on the track, and try to avert off-track emotions which ought not to be in such a critical time for which strength and determination hold pivot roles for me to continue my hunt for the next job. Positive thinking really helps a lot really, perhaps I can take this unemployment period as a time for me to look at things clearly and from different facets of views. Friends that know me mostly think that I am friendly and sometimes loud, but I can get rather sensitive and emotional at certain things under different circumstances. I really hope that I can ward off all the negative thinking that have been infesting my mind for the past few days.

Saturday, April 08, 2006




夏天的水果多属于寒凉性的,比如梨和各种瓜类。一般来说,实热体质的人夏天代谢旺盛,交感神经占优势,出汗多,经常脸色通红、口干舌燥、易烦躁、容易便秘,夏天特别喜欢吃凉东西。所以,热体质人群可以适当多吃一些寒凉性的水果。 但是,寒性水果不能多吃,否则对身体有害。比如,梨味道甘甜,具有止泻、通便、助消化的作用,经常吃可以使肌肤白嫩。但由于其中含有丰富的糖类和钾盐,食用过多会有损心、肾健康,像冠心病、心肌梗死、肾炎及糖尿病患者都不能多食,而中气不足、精神疲劳的人倒可以当做滋补水果多吃一点。 而像梨、柑橘、柚子等水果,具有止咳、化痰、润肺、助消化的作用,但多吃却容易造成肠胃紊乱,还能导致牙痛、痔疮,甚至引起皮肤黄斑。因此,有胃病、胃寒的人最好少吃。 气虚、脾虚的人在选择西瓜、香瓜、芒果、梨和香蕉这几种冷性的水果时要特别谨慎,最好不要吃。气虚,一般是指中气不足,这些人一般脸色比较苍白、体格瘦小、吃不下饭;而脾虚,是说消化系统比较差,肠蠕动慢。所以,越吃寒冷的水果,越会降低肠胃蠕动,使肌肉无力,吃多了会因为消化不良而导致腹胀。因此,肠胃功能不好的老人和孩子,不太适合吃寒凉水果,如果真的很想吃,可以在午饭后、晚饭前,少吃一点,不可过量。



虽说夏天寒凉性水果比较多,但在众多水果中,像荔枝、桂圆、杏等属于温热性,也是相当受人们欢迎的。尤其对于虚寒体质的人来说,他们气虚脾虚,基础代谢率低,体内产生的热量少,四肢即使在夏天也是冷的。相比较而言,这类人群的面色比常人白,而且很少口渴,也不喜欢接触凉的东西,包括进空调房间。所以,这些人多吃些温热的水果无疑是补寒妙法。 不过,一般人大热天吃太多温热的水果却很容易上火。 比如,荔枝中含有降糖成分,多吃会出现低糖反应。而对于热性体质的人,由于本身就精力充沛、晚上不易入眠,再加上代谢率偏高,所以更不能吃温热水果。另外,正在发烧或某器官正在发炎的孩子也尽量避免食用。


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Tips on resolving arguments

These guidelines below tend to have its usefulness when the time comes. Ponder over it and you will see the light.

1. Compromise
Having a little of something to make your partner happy is better than not having anything at all. Think of ways that you can solve the problem through giving and taking a little.

2. Be positive
Instead of focusing only on the negative, think about the positive aspects of your relationship. It will keep you in a better frame of mind to address the issues ahead.

3. Listen
Take the time to consider your partner's views and show that you have understood what is being said

4. Remain calm
Getting frustrated solves nothing. If the discussion is getting nowhere, take some time to cool down. Go for a walk, or simply retreat to another part of the house till you are calm enough to pick up where u left off.

5. Watch your body language
You may say you are sorry but if you are gesticulating wildly, the message your partner gets is very different. Make sure that your body language, facial expressions and vocal tone are consistent with what you say

6. Say what you mean in a tactful manner
You may be afraid to say something or address the real issue at hand. But beating about the bush or being sarcastic about it will make things worse. It is better to get things out in the open so that the problem can immediately be dealt with. Learn to be tactful.

7. Agree to disagree
You are both 2 different individuals so it will be difficult to find a solution that is agreeable to you all the time. If this happens, focus on the positive and end the discussion on a good note. Put across to your partner that while there is no solution at the moment, you will try to work together to find one

8. Stick to the subject
Talking about events in the past which are totally unrelated to the issue at hand only makes things worse. Stick to the issue at hand if you want a fast resolution

9. Respect your partner

Never be rude or put your partner down and say hurtful things deliberately. You will regret it later after you have calmed down, but you can never take back the hurt which you might have caused.

10. Remember why both of you are in the relationship
A healthy relationship doesn't equate to agreements all the time. And the ability to resolve conflicts may differ according to different individuals, but do keep in mind that a healthy relationship necessarily means the willingness to resolve the conflict.
Also remember, a relationship may be that of between friends, family members and colleagues.