Thursday, February 23, 2006

Happy for her

Thinking of my ex classmate now, she had been working with a Singapore company in Singapore, and now there she is, in Yokohama, being posted there to work, very likely to leave her boyfriend behind in Singapore for more than half a year. Haha, oh well, I think it's gonna be indeed a groundbreaking exposure for her working there. Hope to get her phone number soon, so that I can start giving her basic Japanese language lessons via phone, haha. I wish her all the best. I wonder when I can make use of my language skills at work, put them in practice, since if it continues to be like that, it would seem to be a total waste of time for me learning them in the first place. Initially I always tell people that language learning is just one of my favourite hobbies, but after all, it's kinda expensive and time-consuming, eventually making me into thinking that it's an investment rather, a long term one that needs to have a promising return whether in monetary or spiritual or even gallant terms.

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