Friday, December 16, 2005

Housemate Profiling

Housemate 1

NUS Electrical Eng graduate, Malaysian, 24. Asean Scholarship Holder, employee.
Always trust people easily, likes to talk non-stop, especially when the clock strikes 12am, it's for sure that he is in the living room, changing all our topic of conversations to a topic of his own, which usually expectedly leads to matters pertaining to his company. Everyone will be left puzzled over what he will be saying, as he expects us to know the stuffs. Always talk about his matters, seldom listens to what people are trying to tell him. I guess his mother's the only person who listens to his endless blabberings. Nevertheless, he's a good guy. Just that he's too cheerful. And too talkative. In conclusion, he's one housemate one should never want to stay with. Haha.

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