Sunday, December 25, 2005

Housemate Profiling

Housemate 4

NUS Electrical Eng grad, Indian Malaysian,Asean scholar,25,single.

He's pretty good-looking guy, at least for an Indian. Haha. Oh well, I find him quite knowledgeable of the Chinese culture despite being Indian Malaysian, giving an impression that he is in fact a very sensible person, knowing how to carry himself aptly in different situations.
He really looks into people's eye to show that he's listening and trying to figure out what you are trying to say, pretty attentive guy. He's really totally opposite in terms of disposition if compared to Housemate 1, apparently. He's able to make analyses on people's characteristics and try to talk them out to see if that person would be able to at least realise his/her flaws that might be turning people off, or even offending friends around them insidiously.His intention has always been good-natured. He has his own thinking and a strong backbone, decisions being made would not be swayed easily. That's a good thing, and it has some degree of relevance to my previous entry titled "Mistakes are welcome". Sometimes there's bound to have important decisions to make at one's own discretion, those decisions made, will actually have significant impacts on our life in a later phase. Whenever we don't know, we ask people.People whom we think are experienced, people whom we respect, parents, We listen, then filter off the advice we think is ridiculous and then blend the "filtrate" of the advice with ideas and past experience of our own to try to figure out the best way for the decision to be made. For some people, once having made a decision after all these procedures, they will stay firmly to it. Housemate 4 is such kind of person. He's really a conscientious, remarkable person.

He's good at sports too, likes to play sepak takraw and badminton. Even if he plays sports a lot, he's put on weight(bulan mengambang!haha) because he always eat Nasi Briyani at KPT where the stall owner always give him a lot more rice. Anyway, it seems like it's the best so far when it comes to Nasi Briyani in Singapore. I will try to be at home on Sundays so that we can at least go out for lunch or dinner together since we are all so busy during the weekdays. During then, only we can have men's talk. Once in a while, he will share with us about being liked by colleagues in his company. Haha.

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