Friday, December 01, 2006


Yes,I got back with my gf, almost broke up with her last week, but patched things up with her soon...but today I am talking to her about the issue of marriage again as she may not want to wait until after 30 years old for that. It may also be unfair to her if we break up a few years later due to the same reason again..So what should I do now...

Login-ed to my xanga again and then found out that the features there have improved...Maybe I should be updating both blogs again....Hehe..

Had dinner with Mich at Dian Xiao Er which is located at Marina Square. It's a Chinese restaurant and the Mongolian Pork Ribs was delicious! And for the first time I drank the Nu Er Hong(Daughter Red/Rose). Nice experience because I have always heard about that in period dramas but never had the chance to get a taste of it.


Anonymous said...

I just came across your page and felt the need to comment. My husband and I got married in August and I could not imagine doing anything without him.

I have and ex and we dated 7 years! He is a great guy but we were just not great together, I was more upset about loosing the time that I had vested with him than actually loosing him. Happiness is worth waiting for. Do not settle for something you are unsure of after 5 years.

Sorry to sick my nose in your business, hope you come to a decesion soon.

Anonymous said...

hrmm.. morally it's a good thing u patch things up with ur gf but like me and what annoymous has commented, do u think it is really what u want?

wish4ver (someone u know)

gambattester said...

Mrs Anonymous:
thanks and I don't mind you saying that actually.Am thinking of a resolution again and will come to a decision soon..

Love can't be benchmarked on moral standards after all,am perhaps rather not used to being single and fearing of being lonely..maybe we have to give and take, but then again, love and marriage can be two different issues if you get what i mean..
thanks for giving me a comment on this post yah..hehe..